Tuesday, June 3, 2008


In addition to putting out flower seeds and planting roses in existing beds, I felt that the front of the house, just in front of the steps, was too plain. I wanted a focal point for the front of the house. So, I cut corners... out of the lawn. I killed the grass with glyphosphate in two triangles at the corners of the lawns where the front walkways intersect. I put in several David Austin Roses, along with the classic, Double Delight. With these two new beds, one can stand at the intersection and be surrounded by roses, poppies, lilies, farewell-to-spring (clarkia amoena), daffodils, freesia, african daisies, calendula, larkspur, and alyssum.

I've also sown some sweet william and carnation seeds. I planted magic lilies (lycoris) bulbs that I had rescued from the old county cemetery on Chanate Rd. It looks like some of them germinated, but it will probably been next season before I see any blooms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o, Candice, that is lovely! i can hardly wait to see in person!